Thursday 5 November 2009

My headache cure is a good, long, hot shower

For the longest time, I had been confused as to why showers cure my headaches. I could be downing paracetamols and aspirins and they won't do anything to dull the pain, but a long hot shower will do the trick almost immediately. So when I had the start of a migraine yesterday night (it tends to be occurring on right side of my head nowadays), I tried drinking a lot of water (because Boy thought it might be dehydration since my body temperature was up) and sleeping it off.

Woke up today feeling worse.

Lazed around for a bit. Ate food. Drank more water. Had caffeine (in the form of Coke Zero). Had paracetamol. All supposedly headache cures.

At around 2pm, I was in agony. Loud and sharp noises hurt so much, and the bedroom light was bad enough for me to hide under the duvet. I wanted to take a shower to cure it, but due to the problem with our water tank and the heating element, only one person can properly take a shower in 24 hours, and Boy has work at 5pm and I know he likes to have a shower a couple of hours before going to work. And he does not like the surprise cold showers that he has sometimes had the bad luck to experience. The only solution to the matter is that I wait until he has his shower and have mine after - so if there is any cold water surprise, at least that would be my problem.

But I didn't think I could stand another hour of suffering the migraine headache I had, I was feeling dizzy and nauseous at the same time and I wanted to claw my brains out to stop the pain, so I begged Boy to take his shower early so that I can jump into the shower ASAP after he already had his. He consented and made sure he took a quick shower so that I would have enough hot water to shower with as well.

Whilst waiting for him to finish showering, I was almost sick on the bed. Went to the toilet after he vacated the bathroom and made myself sick so I could get it over with. Then I had a hot shower. It wasn't as long as I would've liked it, but I didn't want to push my luck with the hot water running out and having to deal with cold freezing water when it's almost winter now.

Went to lie down for 10 minutes in bed, wet hair and all, and I felt better. No more nausea, no more headache, no more sensitivity to light. My head still pounds when I move too quickly or walk around the apartment, but overall a great improvement from trying to dig my brains out earlier.

I was curious, so I Googled it and found out that hot showers are actually a recommendation for headache and migraine sufferers, because the cause could be circulatory. Apparently the hot stream of water pounding on your head/neck area dilates the blood vessels and improves circulation. This and this came up on Google.

I should've known, really, but at least now I know it's not just me. I might try peppermint tea and see if it get rid of the remainder of my headache now.


Kinesis said...

I find that a heat pad on the back of my neck and an ice pack on my forehead really help as well

pei said...

It probably would, but I don't have a heat pad and the closest thing I have to an ice pack is a bag of frozen peas! I'm not very well-prepared, I'm afraid!