Saturday 3 July 2010


Boy: You clearly have a bad cough. Take some Buttercup (cough medicine).
Me: No, it tastes icky.
Boy: You know what they say, the worse it tastes the better it works.
Me: Said by people who don't have a choice but to take it.
Boy: Well, you don't have a choice.
Me: I do. My mum's not here!
So yeah, I am suffering from quite a bit of a chesty cough since Tuesday, following the sore throat I had since Saturday. Yesterday, it walloped me with a 3rd and 4th symptom - congested nose and headache. Falling ill v...e...r...y... s...l...o...w...l...y. Past two nights I've been coughing so hard and so frequently, I woke myself up multiple times at night (so I've had rubbish sleep!) and now my tummy hurts from coughing so badly. :( It doesn't help at night that it's so warm as well, so it's hard enough getting to sleep!

I don't feel too bad today though. Still have congested nose and cough but sore throat is not as bad as it was and headache is almost gone because I took some ibuprofen before sleep last night.

Hopefully I'm on the road to getting better. It's rubbish to be ill on my weeklong holiday, but it's worse to be ill enough to feel horrible but not ill enough to be off work.