Choosing a place and organising a meet in Malaysia is possibly the most difficult endeavour ever when everyone is so busy saying they don't know where to go and generally not wanting to make any suggestions but at the same time, they keep rejecting suggestions made. If you have a specific requirement, make a frickin' suggestion. Don't beat around the bush and hope someone will read your mind on what you want, because we just end up wasting precious time.
We arrived an hour earlier than everyone else, so we went to BreadStory first and got a "White Forest" (which we figured is like black forest, but with white chocolate) birthday cake for AW. Then we headed to Dragon-i to drop the cake off and make a reservation for 8pm. In the meantime, we spent some time wandering around the shopping complex looking for gifts for Boy's parents.
Bought some smellies as requested, and then headed off back to the restaurant to sit down and wait for the others to arrive. AW and her boyfriend MG arrived at just after 8, and we started ordering our food.

All in all, a very delicious meal that ended up costing us RM199! Haha. Split the bill between us two couples as it is AW's birthday. We ended up sitting around discussing where to go next since Pyramid supposedly is shut at 10pm, and one of the waiters starting setting out empty small dessert plates on the table. AW said excitedly, "We're getting fruits!" (Apparently, the restaurant offers free fresh fruit platter for dessert for large groups of people dining?)
AC humoured her and said, "Yes, fruits."
It wasn't until the birthday song started over the speakers and the cake was brought out to our table that the realisation dawned upon her. She started crying.
Oops. None of us were expecting that.
Anyway. That was quite a surprise for her. Then JL and EL arrived with EL's boyfriend which was never introduced by name, I don't think, and they had cake along with the rest of us. We took some photos of the group and the cake, which are currently still residing in LL's memory card. Then we packed up and left for LOL Cafe, which JL recommended to us.
EL said she was going to join us for the yum cha session after dinner, but she never did turn up, so in total she spent maybe 10 minutes with us. Huh. Nevermind. Anyway, JS's boyfriend KP turned up after sorting out some work stuff, and AC's friend turned up too, so there was quite a large group still. We had a great time at the cafe just talking and sharing stories and jokes until past midnight, and headed home when it got too late for a weekday night, what with people working the next day and all. :P I noticed that MG was a lot more talkative this time around, which is a nice change.
Went back to LL's place, slept, woke up the next day at 7am! Could not sleep anymore. So we waited around until JL woke up and texted me so we could hang out or something before I headed home, since she wasn't working that day. Ordered in McDonald's breakfast and realised that they have changed the sausagemeat patty to sausage slices. Ew. Was not as good as sausage patty! Change it back! :(
JL texted me at around 11.30am, and then came around to pick us up at 12pm-ish after sorting out some stuff. We went to Damansara in SS15, old hangout from college days, and I got to have my murtabak! <3 It was so yummy... sigh. First murtabak in 3 years. I lead a sad life. :( There is no photo of it because I was too excited of actually eating it, so I only remembered about taking a photo after I was halfway through eating.
After that, JL dropped us off at Kelana Jaya LRT station so we could make our way to Bukit Bintang area. Wanting to walk around in Low Yat Plaza to see if there were any good deals on gadgets and electronics. Ended up to be pretty crap experience. Things are so bloody expensive there now! In fact, I found possibly the one thing that is more expensive in Malaysia than in the UK!
The iPhone 3GS 16GB is £440 (~RM2500) in the UK (without the contract). In Malaysia? It's RM2790(~£481). What the hell! So much for Malaysia being cheaper to shop in. And the seller was BS'ing about how Malaysia electronics get taxed (and did he think UK doesn't get tax at an extortionate rate?), how you have to sign up a contract in the UK to get an iPhone (which I told him is a blatant lie!), how it's all made in California and it takes longer to ship to Malaysia than UK... BS lah!
Anyway. Got picked up by Brother #2 and started heading home after that.
Next morning, Mum asked us if we wanted lunch. Since it was Hari Raya Haji (Eid al-Adha), not a lot of places are open, so we ended up at this cafe nearby that was styled similarly to the Old Town White Coffee group.

Didn't spend the day doing much the whole of yesterday. Going to Kuantan later on today maybe to see if we can't get tickets to watch 2012. Online booking system is down for GSC, which is very disappointing! Phone booking line is screwed too!
Looking back at the xiaolongbao makes me want to go out and eat dimsum!