Sunday, 5 April 2009

Dress and a non-earth-shattering girlie dilemma

I got my new bras this week, so I'm happy. ^^ I also bought a dress as well.

Dress also comes in black, but I decided I have too much black in my wardrobe.

Yeah, I look bad enough when I roll out of bed in the mornings that I have to crop out my head in one of the pictures in case anyone is eating. Dress did not come with the belt, am debating about that whether to wear it with a belt or not... Boss is having a house barbecue at her place (and it's all my fault), so am wondering if this will be suffice as it is a knitted dress so it will be somewhat warm for an evening barbecue in English springtime weather, but won't look like I'm still dressed for winter. :P

Either that, or roll up in my usual jeans and T-shirt. But I figured I might want to start wearing dresses a bit more because jeans and tee are very restrictive (and I think will be very very hot and sticky in mid-July Malaysia), except for the fact that I hate my calves, they're so bulky, and wearing dresses or skirts that aren't maxi will somehow or other expose them to public view. :( Dilemma!


leelian said...

Looks better with the belt!:)

pei said...

Thanks Lian. ^^ Some of my online friends said belt is the way to go too. Haha.