It's been forever since I last posted. Gone are the days where I was actually committed enough to online blogging/journalling I would write everyday. Oh well.
Life hasn't been that interesting. I work most days and I sleep most days. And last I wrote, I wrote on the importance of service, and it just so happens that yesterday, I had another gentleman who insisted on personally giving me a box of chocolates. Which is really sweet. I also had the experience of a gentleman patient of mine who wanted to give me a tip (unfortunately, we cannot carry money on us at work, and it seems a bit strange to tip your optometrist, surely?).

Percy getting first dibs on the chocolates.
No, of course he didn't really eat any. I'm not that terrible a cat owner.
Speaking of the ginger monster, he has grown a lot since I last posted photos on him here. This is how he looked like at 11 weeks, 6 days after we got him:

Percy at 13 months old.
He has somehow grown more ginger and his body stripes are less prominent now, so it just looks like he's orange all over with four white socks, a white belly and a stripey bit at the end of his tail. I've moved him from generic Whiskas to high-meat grain-free Swedish cat food. He's still a cheeky sod, attacks ankles and feet at will, bashes against the living room door every morning demanding to be let upstairs (he much prefers sleeping on our bed since we got our new bed). He has finally learnt to brake at the bottom of the stairs before crashing headlong into the front door and his 30 minutes of madness is less often now. But Boy is convinced the cat has something against him. :( Percy is the best Christmas present I ever received, and I hope I never have to give him away. He hangs around with me and keep me from feeling lonely when Boy isn't around (and Boy will be away fairly regularly due to training now). I don't know if he behaves more when I'm around or I'm just forgiving to a fault when he's got such a cute face. Both, perhaps.
I'm trying to train him, and so far he always sits when the treat bag comes out. However, being the impatient sod that he is, if you don't hurry up and give him a treat for sitting nicely, he'll hurry you up by patting your hand. I did get to the stage where he will jump onto any surface when I pat it twice and he gets a treat, but then I took a break from giving treats and made Boy the King of Treats in order to make the two of them get on better, so I don't know where that training has gone.
I know, cat, training? Percy's really a dog in a cat-suit. He plays fetch and he waits by the door when we get home from work. He specifically recognises our car pulling up. He also puts on his agressive stance when someone (us, usually) enters the house and he wasn't expecting it (because we hadn't taken the car, or we arrived home not at our usual time) and we laugh and call him a Guard Kitty.
Anyway. Enough about the cat. What's happened since February?
We had our 4th anniversary of being together in April. Boy got me the Swarovski Radiance ring from a new jewellers that recently opened on High Street. It's sterling silver and crystal, and Brother #2 thinks it's prettier than the diamond and white gold ring I got for the first Christmas Boy and I were together. Roffle.

Swarovski Radiance Ring.
Boy got a new job in June. I don't know if he likes it or not, I think some days he does and some days he's stressed out. I feel a bit guilty when he's stressed out because it's partially my fault he got a new job in the first place, mainly because I felt he was getting used at his old workplace who weren't giving him that many hours or that much pay to be worth staying on, and when he does work his arse off, they just verbally whip him harder anyway and expect him to do the job of five people. I didn't appreciate the managers swearing at the staff, and at the rate he was earning his wages, he could just about cover his expenses and not half the house bills as we agreed on when we first purchased the house. And it must be bad if he wakes up everyday thinking he doesn't want to go to work.
So here we are. New job. More hours. More pay. Less running around ragged. More praise and recognition for performing well. More chances of training and advancement. But a very, very different environment to play in, a job in which Boy didn't know much about when he first started.
I hope after he stuck it out for a year, he can consider again whether the industry is suitable for him or not, and whether he is going to risk more student debt and getting a degree in the field.
We went to Malaysia to visit my family at the end of June, and during the visit, Brother #2 asked the question of when Boy and I are getting married. Since we are now getting asked from both sides of the family (only 3 years after our engagement), I figured we may as well set a date or we'll never do it. So now it's set for 28th July 2012, and I have to get busy sorting things out. I still don't know if there is a Malaysia leg or not, and here's why.
Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after I returned to the UK. She was going to be my organiser mainly because it's difficult to organise a wedding banquet when I'm physically on the other side of the world. Since she will be undergoing various treatments and therapies, she doesn't think she'll be up to the task of organising a wedding (on top of her full-time job), which is fair enough. Health is more important.
On an even sadder note, both my and Boy's grandmothers passed away, his before our trip and mine after our trip. My aunt Lily (who was the kind lady who put me up in Singapore for 10 days when I visited so many years ago) also passed away due to complications from surgery days before my grandmother did. Dad had quite a few blows at him lately, as within one month, he lost his mother, his older sister and then he heard the news that his wife had breast cancer.
All these happenings really indicate something that people have always known but have always taken life for granted, and that is Life is Short. It really is.
Onto more superficial stuff, Boy and I both got ourselves new phones of the same ilk, the Samsung Galaxy S2, which we love. He likes the fact that he can read the news, email and Facebook on his phone, and mine is all that plus I adore the 8MP camera. Mine is courtesy of Brother #2 who kindly donated monies towards the cost of the phone and plan for my 27th birthday (I turned 27 on the 27th! Of June, obviously, since we're talking about the past).
Also for my birthday, Boy bought me a necklace/pendent/earstuds combo on the flight back to the UK.

Jadeite cat necklace.
Isn't it so cute? :D The photo turned out better than I thought since it was actually taken with the Blackberry Curve 8900 days before it got decommissioned for the swanky new Samsung. Who'da thunk that Blackberry in macro mode actually have a half-decent ability to photograph jewelry? I'm genuinely surprised.
The pendent is bigger than I thought (usually not a bad thing when it comes to jewelry), so I'm not sure if I can get away with wearing that at work. But it's definitely one of the cutest piece of jewelry I own. When I was a child, green was my favourite colour and I had to have green everything from dresses to drinking straws. Sometimes I still find myself pulled towards green. And kittehs! Who doesn't like kittehs? :P
I also finally caved on and started a collection of Pandora charms and beads. John Greed (two doors away from my workplace) had a promotion on 31st August (Malaysia's National Day!) where if you spent a certain amount, they throw in the £60 silver bracelet on for you free of charge. So guess what I did?

I told Boy that I'm making his job of buying presents easier, because apparently I'm difficult to shop for. :P And magically, now he can just get Pandora beads or charms to go on my bracelet!
Anyway, it's almost 2am and I have work in 7 hours. And in less than 48 hours, I'll be in Darlington doing some Maid-of-Honour-y duties for MJ's wedding this Saturday. I've got to go to bed.
Just to end this on a bright burn-your-retinas-out note...
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