Saturday, 25 July 2009

New stuff.

Yep, so I have been super lazy with updates. It's almost a month! Where did the time go?

I've got a raise! It's starting on the 1st of August. I damned well should've gotten it ages ago, but life happened not to want to work my way sometimes. Annoying. Anyway, seeing that half the country doesn't even have a job, I suppose I should be glad that I not only retained my job, I even managed to secure a £4k/annum raise (works out to be around +£2/hour). And I am likely to get another raise in Q4 (that's January-March).

I've grown yet again so my clothes don't fit now. My red shirt that I wear for work tend to unbutton itself to reveal my bra, so that needs replacing. And I have a lot of winter jumpers which is not at all suitable for this temperature. And that leaves me with one black shirt to wear to work. Ugh. I dropped by Next and their sale was not that great. Tesco seems to have swapped all of their workwear to beachwear. So I gave up and decided to do online shopping instead. And for once I wanted to get something from Bravissimo and they seem to have not come up with any new smartwear since everything that is work-friendly that is on there seems to have at least half the sizes sold out.

So this is my stash of new clothes (if I don't decide to return them):

Think I spent around £80 altogether. But they're the cheapest smart(ish)wear I can find that is not ugly or only come in disgusting moldy green colour or comes in size 8 only. :| On another note, damn M&S models (first three) look so pale and skinny I'm almost scared for them.


leelian said...

love the top in the last pic!

pei said...

I didn't get it. :( It sold out!