Thursday, 14 May 2009

Anniversary gifts and more

Some stuff that I haven't posted yet even though I really should've some time ago... mainly because I'm so lazy nowadays. :P Mostly photos though of things I got or things I bought because I don't exactly have many things interesting that is going on in my life, just Boy's life is always more dramatic than mine! But that's his story to tell.

What Boy got me for our anniversary almost 2 weeks ago (as stated before):

A teddy bear (and a card, not pictured).

Camwhoring with the Elizabeth Miller white nappa leather jacket.

I was lusting after the jacket for weeks and Boy decides to buy it for me. He was also the one who suggested getting a white one instead of a black one. The black jacket looks too much like Russian military, apparently. :P Haven't had much use so far since it's been rather summery most day and the jacket is definitely made for colder weather.

Other than that, I bought myself a new pair of work shoes, which were on sale in my size. My old Earth boots that I wore for work was wearing out on the linings and rubbing the back of my feet raw. :(

Black Asgi low-heeled mary janes.

Not much else to say so far, so I'll end the entry with one of my new high-calorie addictions, thanks to work keeping us fed with these things when we do exceptionally well:

Cream-filled Belgian bun.

Damn, they're good. And yes, I know they don't help with the whole weight-loss thing either, but I have no willpower. :( And yes, that means that I haven't actually lost any weight since I joined the gym... :P


leelian said...

LOVEEEEEE the jacket!!!!!!

teddy looks a lil bit like a monkey tho.

n Pei, have you lost weight??? or is it the jacket making u look so slim?!! :D

pei said...

Haha, I'm actually heavier than I was in secondary school (and approximately the same weight when I last saw you in KL)! :P Just learning to wear better-fitting clothes now. You know me, fashion and clothes were never my forte.

It's quite a big, heavy jacket, but I love it, it's so well-cut! Boy's mum wants one too, roffle.