The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I struggled through this book from the beginning. It's not your usual fun chick-lit, which I'm disappointed about. I want a chick-lit that makes me laugh, giggle, swoon, and giggle some more. With such a chick-lit-y cover in swirly gold writing, what's to say it doesn't contain excitement and fun?
But alas! I should have remembered the adage "Do not judge a book by its cover." I really shouldn't have. Despite its colourful front cover full of promises, this book makes me wonder when it will end because it's just so boring.
It's about a girl, Lucy, who is very messed up and in a deep rut in her life due to several little-turned-big lies she told starting 2 years 11 months and so-many days ago. Now, I can see how that can happen, and the whole book reads like self-help for Lucy, courtesy of her Life (yes, capital L), in the form if Cosmo (who I imagine looks like a door-to-door salesman).
Unfortunately this is a long, dreary path to plough through and nothing exciting really happens. It is an original plot, if nothing else, and Life being a solid person who can kick you in the ass (metaphorically) is an interesting spin on things. If this is your thing, you might like it. But... it's not my cup of tea. And I don't like Lucy, I really wanted to give her a huge slap through most of the book. I bet her Life wanted to give her a huge slap too.
The ending saved it a little, I did warm up a little bit to a Lucy who has finally, FINALLY decided to grow up, but too little too late. Dragging myself though boring 98% of the book just for the last semi-decent 2% doesn't do it for me.
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