He's also growing a lot bigger too!
Day 1:

Look at how tiny he is!

So... so... tired. First day is so stressful.
Day 2:

Still nervous and hanging around near his hiding spot.

He even sleeps there with a giant version of himself. :P
Day 6 (officially 11 weeks old):

Ginger flash!

And it's the Pole-dancing Kitty!

Look how big he's got in 6 days! His head doesn't look too big for him anymore. :P

Doing what cats do best - "innocently" sit on your computer when you're trying to do something.
Day 8 (today):

In his cat cave. Ignoring me because I said he couldn't have any of my supernoodles.
So yeah. You can see he does more and more things the longer he lives with us, so he's no longer scared of us. Nowadays he even waits by the door for us to open it and come spend some time with him, and every morning when I come downstairs, I'm greeted with his really loud purrs and rubbing. :)
We brought him to his first vet visit on Thursday and he behaved absolutely fantastically even when we was getting his shots. He was also pronounced to be fit and healthy, so we're both very happy. Bought him a couple of toys for his good behaviour and cut some holes into a couple of cardboard boxes for him to play with, so he's a happy cat generally. ^^