Hooray! I'm getting a couple of days breather from work and stuff because no one wants their eyes testing tomorrow what's with all the snow and such, so I get a lie in tomorrow. Awesome or what? And work likes me too because that means they have an extra day they can use for me to test if they ever get busy on my day-offs.
What snow, you ask? This snow!
It started snowing again whilst I was at work sometime during lunchtime, stopped for around an hour, and then continued with a vengence. So much that schools have been shut early and people are being sent home from work early just so that everyone can get home.
Yes, a little bit of snow and the whole country shuts down. :P Britain
is one of the worst-prepared 4-seasoned country for snow, really. We usually don't get much at all, and this 3-4 inches worth of snow is something out of the ordinary. And snowing for more than a week is definitely something unexpected and surprising (most city councils only have a week's worth of grit in stock!). Whereas Canadians must be laughing at our pansy-ness.
I know I haven't written for some time. No, I'm not lazy. Really. But whilst everyone is busy being snowed in, I thought I might as well put a bit of an update on.
So how was everyone's Christmas?
I spent the earlier part of Christmas week at
MJ's for a couple of days because I needed to pass on some Christmas presents to the honorary family. This year is also the first year since I've been in the UK that I have not spent Christmas at
MJ's (barring first year of uni, I think). In return I got a load of presents too. What touched me most was that honorary mum decided to cook a Christmas roast meal with the usual pudding whilst I was visiting even though it was a few days before Christmas. It was pork rather than turkey, but still. They decided to have two Christmasses this year, one for when I was around and one when it is actually Christmas.
Which was really sweet of them to go through the trouble. :)
So... presents. I was going to take photos and post them up, and then I forgot. And then half of my Christmas gifts were eaten/used. And now I can't be bothered anymore to track down all of my gifts to photograph them, so instead, here's a list of stuff I got.
I got from honorary family a duvet cover, a turtleneck jumper, a box of Roses, and some Avon nail buffer and makeup stuff from honorary mum and dad. Got a double frog figurine and angel earrings from
MJ. I have no idea who gave me a cat calendar, so I'll assume it's from all of them (or Santa!).
Trust them to know my obsession with cats. :D
Boy decided to go down to his family's for Christmas, so we went set off on Christmas Eve after he finished work at 5pm. Horrible driving conditions though - dark evening/night sky, poorly lit most of the way, patches of ice on the road and fog so thick we couldn't see past a couple of metres in front of us. Couldn't wait to get there.
Presents from
Boy's family include an Elizabeth Arden makeup set and Estee Lauder's
Beyond Paradise EDP from
Boy's parents, Nina Ricci's
Nina EDT from
Boy's brother, and box of Lindor Lindt milk chocolate truffles (not pictured) and a pretty compact mirror from
Boy's grandparents.
Also got a present from my Secret Santa (from work), which is a gift box of Bailey's truffles and a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream, and a litre bottle of M&S Irish Cream. Not tried either yet, but sounds good enough!