Thursday morning, woke up to a nasi lemak breakfast - very Malaysian. :P
Nasi LemakAfter breakfast, we went to shop for some footwear for me that will allow me into the casino at Genting Highlands because all I brought with me to Malaysia was a pair of flat brown boots and a pair of beach flip-flops. Shopping for footwear for me in Malaysia is practically mission impossible because I have fairly large feet by Malaysian female standards (UK6, but size 9 in Malaysia!), but at the same time, we needed something fairly flat and comfortable to walk in because we would be walking a lot for most of the day. And Kemaman isn't famed for choices...
In that shopping trip, I also learnt that
Brother #2 has shocking taste in female footwear. :s He doesn't get it why I don't like his choices. Most of what he picked were granny shoes! He said they looked comfy. But as far as I can see, they didn't only look comfy, they also look like something only someone who gave up on bothering to look good would wear!
Anyway, after going through two to three dozen shoes that either didn't look good, didn't have it in my size, etc, we finally ended up with this pair:
All very PVC, I know...In the same store, I was perving at the bags that they have (thank god bags don't come in sizes to fit you!), and I gave in to temptation to get myself another bag, this time in "apricot" colour:
Pretty double-zipped bag.We headed off to Genting Highlands on Thursday afternoon, getting there early evening.
Where we stayed, courtesy of Genting Points.The plan was to check in, rest up, walk around and then maybe head off to the casino later on. We got there, lazed around in the rooms until
Brother #2 whinged at us until we got off our asses and went out walking about because "we didn't go all the way there just to spend all our time in the hotel room".
We walked around the Indoor Theme Park and came across a lot of places selling random stuff.
Brother #2 and his wife saw this "smoking fish" that was quite cute. It's a wooden fish, the details and scales very intricately carved, with scented smoke swirling out of its open mouth. Lifting the fish from the base it was resting on reveals an aromatherapy cone thingy smoking gently. The guy wanted RM150 for it, but after a lot of haggling
Brother #2 got it down to RM90. He ended up getting two, a big one and a little one, the former being a present for
Dad. Quite a pretty piece, so I think he got a good deal.
Whilst they were busy bargaining, I went to the stall next door to look at their earrings. Got myself a pretty pair of earrings for RM10, which was a bit steep but it was very pretty. :P
By this time,
Boy and
Brother #3 were very bored and very tired, so I hurried
Brother #2 and his wife along so we could go get some food. The original plan was to go to Be A Star (where you buy the food package and you get 2 hours of karaoke thrown in for you), but they were fully booked for the night so we ended up at KFC. I know, not very imaginative. Hehe.
Brother #3 and I went up to our rooms again to rest up until the parents arrive, whilst
Brother #2 and his wife continued with their shopping. Just hung around and snacked a lot in the room and used the interwebs.
The last two morsels of the best chocolate chip cookies in the world!When the parents did get here, we readied ourselves to head to the casino. I have never betted at the casino (even though I have been in there... I found it insanely confusing to walk around in because everything looks the same and you can possibly be trapped in there forever as you'll never find your way out!), but
Boy was all excited to go and play. Poker was bigger stakes than we can afford, which I think he was very disapointed with, but after some tips from
Mum, he did end up winning some money on roulette. Which he lost again after another half an hour. Roffle.
I think he wants to go again next time we're there. :P
Next morning, we woke up and decided to have breakfast. Unfortunately the buffet that we usually go to was bloody expensive even with the discount coupon we had, and the BBQ place was located in the casino which we were sorely underdressed for. We ended up having breakfast at the food court. Which is actually a better choice because the buffet is pretty poor food choices for such a hefty price tag - it's usually cold ham and bread and stuff like that.
Sizzling Plate NoodlesI had Sizzling Plate Noodles, which is yummy as usual. The metal oval plate is heated up to red hot temperature, dry noodles put on top of it and then hot chicken pieces with gravy is poured all over the noodles. The idea is that the food continues cooking and kept hot on the sizzling plate whilst you eat.
Chicken Chop with Chips Boy had chicken chop with chips on a sizzling plate (we were aghast that it wasn't served on a Hot Rock as the store's name implied). He also had a taster of peppermint boba tea (or pearl milk tea), and he really liked it. It's such an Asian phenomenon five years ago (or more?) that
everyone has heard of it, but to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen it sold anywhere in England!
We wandered around the place after checking out, planning on doing a bit of souvenier hunting for
Boy's family, but when we passed by the Indoor Theme Park, we were distracted by a mass of arcade machines, especially the racing ones. So what did we end up doing?
Boy doing a drift on Outrun 2 (I think).Yep.
Brother #2, his wife and
Brother #3 caught up with us (somehow) and we all went to the SkyVenture Indoor Skydiving Experience place to book ourselves a place.
Boy and I got booked for the 4pm session for RM38 per person (I think), but since we had a couple of hours to kill, we went to have lunch at the place we tried having dinner yesterday - Be A Star.
Got ourselves the lunch deal fairly cheaply and had the room for the five of us for two hours, which was pretty good deal.
Inside one of the karaoke rooms at Be A Star.I think after his first experience with karaoke-ing (of recent times, that is),
Boy is slightly less scared of karaoke now because he finally got the whole point of a friendly non-competitive karaoke session is to have fun, even if we're not very good singers. Lots of warbling, laughing, growling, coughing ensued from all of us. And trying to eat whilst doing all of that was pretty difficult!
Boy and I had to leave ten minutes before the session was over to make it to our prebooked session at the SkyVenture place, so we legged it all the way there to make sure we get there on time. We had to suit up and go through a few minutes worth of briefing on what we should do, how we should position ourselves, and what sort of sign language he'll be using since inside the air tunnel we won't be able to hear anything and all instructions will be done through signalling.
Whilst in the air tunnel, all I could think about was,
Please don't let me smash into the grill, please no...Yeah. But apparently I spun around in the tunnel so fast it was like watching a pinball and the instructor was having a hard time trying to keep me still, but it didn't feel all that fast to me. Roffle. Wasn't too bad anyway just for the experience!
After all that, we got a call from
Mum telling us to meet her and we were going to head down to flatlands again and meet up with
Dad (who went to KL for business) at the foot of the highlands. After meeting her, we drove down (it was very misty!) and got to the foot of the mountains. Had food there (again), and
Boy learnt how to use chopsticks! Hehe. Initially when the waiter came to get our order, before he left he pointed at
Boy and asked in Cantonese to the rest of us if he is okay to use chopsticks or should he get him a fork.
Mum said get a fork anyway just in case, but from the way he was eating with the chopsticks with only a slight struggling, the fork was left untouched. Roffle. Good effort though, took me
years to learn how to use the chopsticks properly (
Mum never thought it was necessary to teach her kids how to use chopsticks properly because according to her it is supposed to come naturally, so
Brother #3 and I in particular grew up holding chopsticks wrong!).
Dad got there eventually and we headed off back home.
On Saturday, it was family portrait day because my brothers have said that we all haven't had a complete family portrait since forever (the last known photograph was
Grandma's birthday, I think, and the last studio portrait was when I was 10? A bit younger?) so we need one in the rare occasions we actually manage to get together as a family.
The photos have been produced, but the soft copy apparently is somewhere in
Brother #3's hard drive but he cannot send it to me because his laptop is broken, so there you go. No piccies, but this time it is not my fault.